Tuesday 30 November 2021

Kapa Haka

 Two weeks ago we did a kapa haka. When we got to school then we got our moko and I really wanted to itch my face. Our first song was untina, I was really hoping that I didn't get recorded. Then we did two more songs next we did the haka it was my favorite bit by the end of the haka my arms and chest were so red and sore. Our next song was toia mia then we finished. I was so happy with my performance.   

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Ilminster green team!!!

Today we went to the Ilminster to watch the ilminster green team play. The characters were nanny koura,two moko. I was really excited. 

First on was nanny kaura (character) it was night time in the water and the two moko going of to bed but they wanted a story. But they keep on complaining then nanny koura finally says yes. Then she said what story do you want how nanny koura saved the world from the aliens rubbish and they picked that one. The story started by four kids went to the skate ramp and one of the kids said i'll do a backflip on my skateboard then he chickened out. Then the girl gave them some lollies and the rubbish from them they just chuked on the ground with all the other stuff.

 Next some aliens came from trash plant and were putting their rubbish there because trash plant was full so there are putting at the skate and the left there use robot that worked perfectly fine. Then the kids came back and saw all the aliens rubbish and were angry and tried to move all of it but they got electrocuted and couldn't move it. Rustile rustile there was a movement in the metal and rubbish out popped a robot, the kids asked how he was and was the aliens robot and that this is there new trash dump. Then the kids asked if the robot could call their master and the robot said yes. Next the mother-ship came with the master and she was angry and she asked what was going on. The kids said about the rubbish and it is not nice to just chuck rubbish and litter but they were littering all ready littering. Then the aliens didn't care and they just left. 

The kids didn't know what to do then so they went to nanny koura to ask her when they got there she didn't want to hear it, because when the children litter all the rubbish from them goes into the ocean and rivers so I won't help you. All the children were really sad but they weren't going to give up that easy so they pleased and pleased until nanny koura said yes. Then the kids went back the skate park to get the robot for the second time and then the robot called his master this time though she was really,really, really angry but when she saw nanny koura she instantly gave up for some reason I don't no why I think because she thought nanny koura was her master!!! Then they took it and left and now the kids and the aliens won't litter again.                            

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Variety of texts

 In our wl3 workshop group we focused on variety of texts. We had to read a book and say what the text is.

The book I was reading was, The disappearing tiger the text was procedure because it said what you need and how to make it and pictures of it to make it not as complicated. I also knew because it had bullet points and imperative verbs like diagram, between,parallel and centimeters.

Thursday 21 October 2021

El3 SpaG group word clouds

 For my El3 SpaG workshop we did high,medium and low modality words, but we were focusing on high modality word because our speeches are in the weeks and we have to persuade our class. Here is a picture other all the words I got.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Hamanatua walk

 Hamanatua walk

Yesterday we walked to the start of Hamanatua, it was our green gold day there were people at our school too see if we were a green gold school. So some people from our school had to give then a tour of the school. We left at 9:30am first we had to walk to Lisner st then we had to go through a farm with big bulls. Clang clang went the gate as we opened it when we started going down the muddy hill it was really slippery and some people fell over. 

Next we had to cross a river in our shoes or gumboots it was too long to jump so I just walked through and my shoes got soaked. Then we had to walk up a hill witch was hard in wet shoes and wet socks. We then had morning tea. After we had morning tea we had to keep on walking. An hour later we finally reached our destination or Koka Rozie thought so. We had lunch there, I was so happy that we got to sit down. Then we went back, it was a hard but fun day.    

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Jean Batten day

 Jean Batten day

Yesterday we had a Jean Batten day, were you need to bring you reselince if you want to finish it. We Got a clue it was so hard it took us half an hour but we finally found it and got our next clue. It was saying words and the letter starting the word they write down to make a big word, but we were on the other side of the hall so we had to shout. 

Next we made paper planes that Jean flew I got the Gull. We did tests to see which plane was better Gull or Moth. The three tests were distance and two accurate. One was throwing our planes through a hula hoop with balloons around it and you can't hit the balloons and the last one was hitting the mayday target and distance. The Moth won the distance and I don't know who won going through the hoop and the Gull won the mayday target.

Then we made toothbrush plane that didn't fly but, it did move which was pretty cool. Our hardest step to make it was striping two wires, we also have battres to make it move. Striping the wires was hard because if you cut to much it will cut the wires, and that's what koka Ngaire did so we could not make one. My friend Jaxon came third because we did a race with the peoples who worked. It was the BEST day ever!!!


Wednesday 15 September 2021

Cross country

 Cross country

Today we did cross country it was really fun.  First we had to walk there I walked with Hunter and Tre.  We do our cross country at Okitu and we have to walk 2000 meters witch is 2km. When we got there and koka Nolin said"That boy's and girl's run together" I was so confused. 

Tweet went the whistle we all ran off the starting line I ran as fast as I could. I was so tired on my second lap but in the end I came 3rd place it was my first placing in cross country. I WAS SO HAPPY!!!

Wednesday 8 September 2021



On Thursday the ninth we are come out of online school and online work which will be pretty cool. When we get back to school I will be most excited out seeing our friends and playing with them. My mum is also very excited because she gets to work from home at level 2 but we are at school so it will really quit until we get home.

We also have an day of tomorrow because the teachers have to get the class ready for when we come back to school. We also made a hut that we got to sleep in for the night, it was really big we made it in the lounge. We got 5 big blankets and sheets and a small tent for food and more room. Me and my sister had two mattress to sleep on for the night witch was really uncomfortable. We also made a lego tree house it took so long but here is a video of it.

Friday 3 September 2021

Lockdown round 2 2021

 Lockdown round 2

Lockdown round 2, online school and work online is back in 2021. We are doing what we did last year but hopefully this one will be shorter. We have be doing online workshops every day Monday maths, Tuesday writing, Wednesday reading, Thursday maths, Friday writing. This is what I do in lockdown every day; soccer training for an hour, bike to Okitu and back, skating and talking to my friends on messenger kids like Arthur,Jaxon,Olly,Monte and my cousin Zack.

Today is Friday so I am doing a writing workshop at 1:00 till 1:30, then at 2:00 I am going on another call and listening to shared book and do a kahoot. For some reason Koka Ngaire (our teacher) picked a animal poop kahoot. Oh I forgot to tell you we do a kahoot every Monday,Wednesday and Friday. I like kahoots and I wish we did then every day that would be way better.

Monday 9 August 2021

Chess tournament

 Chess tournament

Last week we did a chess tournament, we play 7 games each. When the guy put up the draws everyone went crazy because they wanted to see who they were facing.  When I went to where we play I was so nervous, after five minutes I check mated the girl I was facing. After my game me and hunter played a game where you have a horse and pawns are on the rest of the squares. The horses can only move in a L shape.

 On my first try I had twelve pawns left, then Hunter went and got I think he got eighteen left , then I had another turn, but this time I was determined to win and if I did I would get a badge. After I played I was so angry because I had 7 left.

I won my next game, well I was waiting I tried to guess how much horses were in a really big horse, I guessed 123 because it was so heavy. I won the game because I checkmated her with my horse so I got a badge. By the end I got in the top team and won 5 out of 7 games. 

The End  

Friday 30 July 2021

Olympic booklet

Olympic booklet

This week we did a olympic booklet it was really fun. We had to draw people that were in the olympics and Mascots. I chose chris wood  because he is a professional soccer player and he is the same birthday as me december the 7. He also plays striker and the best in his team.
 This is a photo of my booklet.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Quick-write (persuade your family to get a robot)

My quick-write

This is my quick for this week I have to try to persuade you to get a robot, which would be pretty cool.    

Persuade your family to get a robot 

I think we should get a robot, do you think you need a robot? I think I should get a robot because it could do chores for you and make breakfast and dinner as well. You could also ask it stuff and it would give you advice. It would make you so much less to worry about. A robot could also drive you to places. You could sleep and don't have to drive! How amazing is that. 

Monday 17 May 2021


 This is my quick write for this week. It is about places to visit in the north island. 

Photo here.

Friday 7 May 2021

My quick-write 3 day weekends

 My quick-write 3 day weekends

This is my quick-write, I normale write more than this.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Cook's cove walk

 Cooks cove walk

The engine roared as we drove to cooks cove walkway it was my first time walking it. My car group was Stormur,Hunter, Millie, Te Atawhai and Rori, we went with his mum.  
 When we got there we found out our walking groups in my walking group there was Cory,Neko,Rio, Aliva and our adult was Nathan's mum. I puffed and puffed as we walked up the first hill to the beckon of light, it was hard to walk up the hill.

When we were walking Neko was picking up poop and putting it down his t-shirt and in his hat it was disgusting. When we got to the look out it was so cool and you could see so far. When we got there was a big hole in the wall and we walk through it, it was so cool. We sat down and ate then we walked back. When we got back my legs were so tired.